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Tell your rep: Support Barbara Lee's legislation to cut the Pentagon budget!

Ask your representatives to support the People Over Pentagon Act (H.R.1134) led by U.S. House Representatives Barbara Lee (D-Calif.) and Mark Pocan (D-Wisc.). The People Over Pentagon Act would cut $100 billion from the three-quarters-of-a-trillion dollar Pentagon budget, reducing waste and encouraging lawmakers to spend this funding on the true needs of their constituents instead.

Proponents of the bill argue that reallocating $100 billion away from the Pentagon is an essential first step towards realigning our national spending priorities. 

Researchers at the National Priorities Project have noted that $100 billion used elsewhere could pay for: 

It’s time to stop misdirecting hundreds of billions of dollars away from domestic and human needs to pad unnecessary budget lines for endless wars, failed weapons, and the Pentagon’s corporate handouts. Doing so will make our country stronger and more just.

The legislation calls on Congress to “support moves to reduce the priority given to war in our foreign policy and our current war-based national economy by using significant cuts, up to $350,000,000,000 as detailed above, from current budget plans, while using the funds to increase our diplomatic capacity and for domestic programs that will keep our Nation and our people safer.”

Representatives Schakowsky (IL-9), Huffman (CA-2), Omar (MN-5) DeSaulnier (CA-11) have already co-sponsored this important legislation. If you don’t see your representative above, make sure you reach out to them asking them to co-sponsor this legislation! Use our tool below to email them instantly. 

If you don’t see your representative above, make sure you reach out to them asking them to co-sponsor this legislation! Use our tool below to email them instantly.


Twenty years of war in Afghanistan have exposed the horrific costs of war and made it crystal clear that war on Afghanistan and Iraq was the wrong response to 9/11. It's time to CUT THE PENTAGON!

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  • Terry Shetler
    commented 2021-10-02 12:03:02 -0400
    The monsters that gave us Afghanistan feed on the defense budget, cutting that budget is the only way to hold them accountable.