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Divestment Day of Action: Students for Fossil-Free Universities

Putting Our Futures Over Profit

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Our collective day of action aims to encourage awareness and engagement with the global movement for fossil fuel divestment within academic and community institutions. We are students at colleges and universities affirming our commitment to the greater mission of divestment and restorative climate justice worldwide. We demand that our institutions divest from fossil fuels as part of a greater commitment to reparations for their contributions to the climate crisis. We support a vision for climate justice based in community care and restorative relationships between our academic institutions and local communities. We will not accept the prioritization of profit over our futures.

What: Campuses around the United States and the world will take action through rallying, tabling, protesting, and/or walking out in solidarity with our message for divestment at our academic institutions. Any kind of disruptive action specific to your campus is welcome under our message. Our movement will be influenced by and tailored around the needs of participating campaigns as part of our collective fight for fossil fuel divestment.

When: On or about Friday, November 12th, 2021

Expectations & Norms:

  • Communication will occur primarily through Signal groups. We ask that a contact person or multiple contact persons from each individual campaign join our main Signal group t0 receive communications from us.
  • Please avoid using email accounts affiliated with your colleges/universities.
  • Reach out to one of our coordinators if you or anyone at your campaign are interested in taking on a larger leadership role with us.

Coordinators: connect with us on Instagram @divestmentdayofaction

  • Sophie Capobianco - Muhlenberg College
  • Sophie Price - Carleton University
  • Eloise Navarro - University of Oregon
  • Aden Singh - University of Cincinnati
  • Sarah Sterinbach - University of Pennsylvania
  • Oscar Turner - Yale University
  • Jelina Liu - University of Southern California
  • Charles Cooper - University of Maine

Working groups:

  • Outreach: coordination of social media, creation and distribution of graphics, and outreach with contact persons
  • Communications: sending messages to the group, taking notes, providing text updates, and connecting/communicating with the media and other organizations






Can we count you in?