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[IPS & NPP] No Weapons, Wars or Walls - Webinar

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Twenty years after 9/11, the war on terror has remade the United States into a far more militarized actor, both around the world and at home. A new report from the National Priorities Project at the Institute for Policy Studies finds that over the last two decades the U.S. has spent more than $21 trillion on militarization, surveillance, and repression — all in the name of security. But instead of making our communities more secure, this racist spending produces needless violence, destruction, and harm. It also diverts resources from services that respond to our communities’ real needs.

Join the Institute for Policy Studies for a critical conversation with movement partners organizing to dismantle U.S. militarism, divest from the militarized budget, and reclaim our resources to invest in communities.

Panelists from the National Priorities Project at the Institute for Policy Studies, Dissenters, and Defund Hate Coalition. Moderated by Khury Petersen-Smith, Michael Ratner Middle East Fellow at the Institute for Policy Studies.

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  • Fahim signed 1048 days ago

  • Ally signed 1053 days ago

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  • Fahim Shirazee
    rsvp'd 2021-11-03 10:15:17 -0400