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#NoToRahm! DC Protest Against Ambassadorship to Japan

President Biden has announced that he is nominating Rahm Emanuel to be the U.S. ambassador to Japan. But for three decades, Emanuel has been one of the Democratic Party’s most undiplomatic power brokers — arrogant, elitist, abrasive and contemptuous of progressive values. Everything in his record indicates that Emanuel would be the wrong choice to represent the U.S. government overseas. We must do everything we can to stop him.

Our campaign against Rahm Emanuel is centered around two facts.

  1. Rahm Emanuel helped cover up the Police murder of Laquan McDonald and it would be disrespectful to black lives and victims of Police violence to confirm him to such an important post.
  2. Rahm Emanuel does not have the demeanor to be an ambassador to a country that is under constant pressure from the West to raise tensions with China - #ChinaIsNotOurEnemy

Activists will picket/chant and then vigil at the Capitol steps with signs and facemasks that boldly say “LAQUAN MCDONALD”. A megaphone or small sound system will allow a short list of speakers to be heard.

When: Monday, September 27 at 12:00PM ET
Where: Eastern Capitol Steps - First St SE, Washington, DC 20004

Speakers from:

  • RootsAction
  • CODEPINK, China is Not Our Enemy 
  • ...More!

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East Capitol Steps
First St SE, Washington, DC 20004, United States,

Google map and directions


Ryan Black ·

Can we count you in?