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Lunch with Langevin - Excessive Military Spending Protest

RSVP with No Endless War or Excessive Militarism Here!

We are gathering outside and in advance of Langevin's Lunch Event. We will be out front with anti-militarism signs for an hour preceding the event, and then look to get in some questions to our interests during lunch inside.

We look to build awareness of Langevin allocating our tax dollars toward excessive military spending and away from so many of our other needs.

Representative Ocasio-Cortez, “The Pentagon could save almost $58 billion by eliminating obsolete weapons, weapons like Cold War-era bombers and missiles designed and built in the last century that are completely unsuitable for this one. We could find another $18 billion by simply preventing the end-of-year spending sprees that lead to contract money being shoveled out the door every September".

Each September, as offices at the Pentagon go on last-minute spending sprees to justify next year’s budget increases, we have increased our military spending year after year, senselessly and needlessly. And now, again, during a time when we have ended an almost two-decade war, there is no reason for us to be increasing our military spending and our defense budget when we are not funding childcare, healthcare, housing priorities, and the climate crisis here at home.”

From Langevin's event notification email, "On Saturday, November 13, I invite you to join me at PizzaPlace, 43 Broad Street, Westerly, RI, from 12:30 – 2:00 p.m. - I started Lunch with Langevin to meet and chat with constituents face-to-face, so I hope you will join me to grab a bite to eat, ask questions, share concerns, and discuss ways we can make Rhode Island an even better place to live and work. In addition to discussing legislation, I will have staff on hand to meet with anyone who is having an issue we can help solve. As always, this event is free and open to the public."

⬇️ Event Info ⬇️




PizzaPlace Westerly
43 Broad St, Westerly, RI 02891, United States,

Google map and directions


Jonathan Daly-LaBelle ·


Who's RSVPing

  • Nancy signed 1188 days ago

  • Jonathan signed 1189 days ago

  • Ally signed 1197 days ago

Can we count you in?

Showing 2 reactions

  • Nancy Houston
    rsvp'd +1 2021-11-10 16:47:16 -0500
  • Jonathan Daly-LaBelle
    rsvp'd +1 2021-11-10 11:57:57 -0500